SEA Notes 2 - Eggs

Chinese parents give out red eggs to wish a newborn good luck, normally my mom will do this too during birthdays. 

In the Malay custom, wedding guests were given "bunga telur " as souveneir - a symbol of goodwill. The egg symbolizes life while the egg holder represents the mother's womb. Like these :

Its a brilliant symbolism - but now we have funny variations of bunga telur ( most of them is dont purely out of decorative stylisations - what is worst, they dont know what it means - when i found out the egg is replaced with sweets )

One clear example is this

when i saw this, my mind plays this image

 In Christianity :

Mary visits the Roman emperor and greets him with “Christ has risen”. The emperor replied that Christ can no more rise again than this egg can turn red. At that point the egg in his hand turned blood red. She then continued to preach Christ’s resurrection to the stunned emperor.  

In the local lingo - we normally associate the eggs with male chauvinism valor - Eggs in BM is called "Telor"..... telor normally associated with testicles, e.g : man with balls. The balls of steel....
"you got balls"

Only guys with balls of steel will stand up against injustice like Batman.

Hollywood Machocism : balls, machine and explosion
Rounding up this note : sharing you one of my fav track by AC/DC


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