Courtesy Notes : Rejection

It seems now there are so many fringe festivals involving art, film and etc......dont worry, im aware that the event organizers will have trouble evaluating those submissions. But what is important here is the painstaking effort of replying to the participants.

It's commendable - painstaking effort - but it's IMPORTANT.

What annoys me are the ones who couldn't spend time and effort of least send something ok

Here is the latest i got.....

Dear Director(s), 

Greetings from the event organizers. 

On behalf of the event sponsored by ( insert your sponsors ) we thank you for your submission to this year's project.

We had a huge number of excellent submissions this year and selection was very tough. 
Your documentary was considered but unfortunately not selected as a finalist. 

We thank you for participating and hope you don't mind if we add your email address to our mailing list. We will hold this project again next year and will send out information on future events. 

On behalf of the international selection committee, 
Insert your name and position here.
When you Organizers reply - it shows alot especially - your attitude, respect for the ones who shown effort and interest to participate in your festivals. This goes too to all company Human Resource Departments, at least send them a complimentary email if YOU DONT WANT THEM, IT'S CALLED COURTESY.


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