
Showing posts from December, 2015

Solo and Chewie

move away Hot Toys, the Black series is worth every cent. Still the best looking dudes, the walking carpet, bad Dejarik chess loser and one reward driven nerf herder. Other notable pairings similar like them is Butch and the Sundance kid and yup Legolas and Gimli.


sometimes its worth waiting for years, in this case, a brilliant sculpted, scaled - posable Chewy. This one is from the Black Series.

The Force

  " For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. "

The Force Awakens : A Review

“Kylo Ren aka is hot”       The statement proves Disney did their job well - just like how Lucas made Jar-Jar lovable to 10 year old kids. ( People need to know that Jar-Jar ( promoted to Senator in ROTS ) gave the final vote to Palpatine to rule the galaxy )   Remember we elected way too many Jar-Jar too in our parliament.   Lets rewind few months back, while I was busy nailing the walls for the new orang asal’s house, I immediately drove the nearest Mcdonalds to watch the trailer. I got goosebumps all over as Millenium Falcon returned back with the pesky Tie Fighter tailing her.    Man - this is going to be nice Christmas - since Peter Jackson owned it for the past 15 years with his Lord of the Ring and The Hobbit. And as expected we have more trailers and worst – youtube analysis…..they dissected the whole sequences like how the Sarawak Post dissected Jibby.    Anyway lets go back to the Force Awakens. Its bee...

December 2015

photography by Hafiz Raslin photography by Hafiz Raslin

The Gimp

pencil on paper, 2014