Go Fuck Yourselves and Be Happy.

Took me 36 years to realize in the end of the day, we cant live to other's expectations, demands, KPI, evaluations and what not. 

"education" "career" "material accumulations" - the interior materials we own cant reflect what we have Inside. What's inside and what our heart always say opposite things. Constant battle of MIND and HEART. 

I forgot to ask what i really want and what made me happy. Lots of people are unhappy and tend to expect others for their HAPPINESS. 

They forgot to appreciate the things they have, people beside them. Oh man.....

In the end of the day, all the things and answers are deep within ourselves. 

If i dont like it, i'll do it my own way. 

Rather than being in the crowd, i chose not to BE, stop running and stop letting other shape me. 

and i have arrived.

Normally it takes a so called "mentally insane" person to remind us that we are "insane"


here's a line from the excellent Birdman played by Michael Keaton who stands up and confront a "critic"

Riggan:  Call the police... let's read. Lacklustre... That's just labels. Marginality... You kidding me? Sounds like you need penicillin to clear that up. That's a label. That's all labels. You just label everything. That's so fuckin' lazy... You just... You're a lazy fucker. You know what this is? You even know what that is? You don't, You know why? Because you can't see this thing if you don't have to label it. You mistake all those little noises in your head for true knowledge. 

Tabitha: Are you finished?

Riggan: No! I'm not finished! There's nothing here about technique! There's nothing in here about structure! There's nothing in here about intentions! It's just a bunch of crappy opinions, backed up by even crappier comparisons... You write a couple of paragraphs and you know what? None of this cost you fuckin' anything! The Fuck! You risk nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! I'm a fucking actor! This play cost me everything... So I tell you what, you take this fucked malicious cowardly shitty written review and you shove that right the fuck up your wrinkly tight ass.

Tabitha: You're no actor, you're a celebrity. Let's be clear on that. I'm gonna kill your play.

Lets be awesome shall we. 


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