Star Wars

It took me so long and just one fine day, i decide to sell half of these away, keeping only the ones that i loves the most. Sometimes, you can only shake your head - wondering and asking why on earth you collect toys. I started out buying Star Wars in 1995 till now. Seriously i stopped halfway - realizing that you need to streamline and edit back what you have. 

So what remains here now is only the AT-AT, X-Wing, Millenium Falcon, Lego's and my vintage Kenner figures.

sold all of this

sold all of them except the Imperial Shuttle

keeping this - its the original Kenner figures. I sold off all the modern POTF figures

kept the At-At, Star Destroyer and the Shuttle, upgraded the Falcon to the BMF version

only Lego's remained.

this is how i transport all of them from my mum's place to my place

15 years worth of collecting and curating plastic stuffs....


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