The Price Is Set
here we have 222 MP's, 60 Ministers and regulate 31.2 million Malaysians. when the coffers are empty, we will hear to lots of empty rhetoric - while the system will slowly crumble while every day Malaysians are struggling to pay bills on time. the poor and the middle class Malaysians will be stagnant as the domestic market and opportunities shrinks, not to forget ridiculous policies will scare everyone away. its ironic seeing our blessed land filled with oil and gas struggling while the neighbors slowly renovating their garden. with high unemployment ( no thanks to useless 20+ public universities and irrelevant degree programs ), our debts will grow and soon enough, Bank Negara will print more money to circulate artificial demands ( fulfilling endless Bantuan Sana Sini ) - making it more useless. so consumers now will be paying premium prices to fill in their artificial gratification. while shopping malls continue to grow Mass graves for the pump a...