The Eaglemoss Delorean ( Remarks )
finally got my hands on 130 issues of the infamous Eaglemoss Delorean issue. Apparently all the rumors and ( not ) so positive remarks on this 1/8 scale model is so true. Not for the faint hearted, this model seriously testing my limits with their multiple tiny ( AP/DM/IP and whatever) screws and their ridiculous building technique. Eaglemoss rounded up all those sick, selfish, not so ergonomic designers, Autocad, product designers to create hell for the builders. With mismatched parts. packaging and building instructions in their packaging, they created an unusual hell and sleepless nights for the subscribers. lo and behold, broken steering rack. i have to scout the replacement for weeks 10 issues of building the engine and we have to store it away... oh the many joy of missing pieces not to forget, they miss several issues resulting in leaving me and the builders high and dry for months. The idiotic designers made you place all the electronics and wires powered by T...